Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Branch Opening in Taiping

Shutterbugz Studio now in Taiping! yeay

I would like to announce that “Shutterbugz Studio” has opened a new branch in Taiping, Perak to cater the demands for Northern clients. We are having this special promo for clients in ‘the Northern region. For a limited time, free mileage charges for few places as stated in the promo flyer. Please do not hesitate to contact us and drop by our new studio.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

slideshow : Sofiah & Nazrul | Solemnization @ Lahad Datu

Salam guys thank you for visiting my blog. .few days back i was trying hard to upload this slideshow. Somehow last nite, finally  i can upload the video to facebook. Alhamdulillah...btw i just using picasa to make the slideshow. My 1st so called trouble, came when i try to make movie in picasa..the video kind of lagging , tersekat sekat, pecah2..lagu as well tergagap2 :P then i try to fix delete some of the pics so it can suit the length of the song..then the dimension..i use 1024x768  from 640x400 lol 1st time buat slideshow la katakan..then everything go smooth alhamdulillah..then i convert to mp4 ..n easily upload to facebook..sejam jugak la process..maybe sbb internet kt sini 'laju' sangat..
So here i just link it from facebook :) yeay

Well this time wedding job is Wantai punya job..i jadi assistant je..tumpang sekaki..Sofiah ni adik kepada our ex-client Tisya Chung & Hizzol ( 2007 )..thank you Tisya for imported us once again. Thank you to uncle n aunty , not to forget the whole family members. the hospitality is marvelous .love u all..diorg ni cool sgt bah! Tisya thanx ek bwk kitaorg jenjalan honeymoon..silap silap dpt baby kundasang pulak ekeke..

Okay hope you enjoy the from EITS : Look into the air :) ...i love post rock !


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fruity Loops

This pictures was taken on 21st july 2010..We, Wantai , Shafeex and I decided to play around with we manage to buy some colourful fruits. Thanx for helping me, Wantai & Shafeeq .. thank you tolong tuang air, campak buah...byk kali kot.. here are the result taken by was my 1st time doing food photography..need to sharpen more of my creativity! Enjoy!

shaqeel gelak

eva main bedak

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Wedding Of Mahanom & Fahrurrazi : Part 3

Groom's Reception | 18th July 2010 at Sg. Besar..this time i was accompanied by another Shutterbugz member Shafeeq Faturrahman . Thank you shafeex tolong drive heheh...pastu jadi assistant pulak..we move arnd 7 am and arrived around sebelum tu singgah breakfast dulu ..tak igt nama tempat tu..nasi lemak ayam 2 telur rebus sebijik 1 teh O, 1 teh O ais..tak sampai rm5.. murah beb wa cakap lu..below are moments taken by me :) enjoy!