Sunday, December 30, 2012

FIR Far Infrared Rays + Premium Beautiful = CONVENIENT

What so special about Premium Beautiful
Because it contains FIR 
What is FIR ? What FIR can do to our body? 

Below shows the benefits of FIR :

some facts about FIR + PB
  • did you know, FIR can provide same effects of exercise. it burns up to 900 calories. The heart will receives similar workout to a 6 mile run in a 20-30 minutes of wearing PB corset. 
  • if you have no time for regular exercise, to the gym or maybe to your sauna session, PB will help you. HOW? Just wear it! With Premium Beautiful corset, you can have FIR Therapy on the move.
  • and when you sweat, you know you're detoxing, BUT with PB fabric, you dont feel sweaty. The material used are meant to give you comforts - cools you down when you are sweaty, & warm you up, when you are cold

Be Convenient
Get Detox 
Better health
Absolutely not interfere your daily routine ..only with PB :)

Bring the sexy back, ladies! 

Call me, call me , call me

Yanty Saleh
019-5180200 ( call, sms, whatsapp)
Email :
FB :

Thursday, December 27, 2012

My New Syria from Radiusite

Assalamualaikum semua, harini sampai tudung yanty order dari Radiusite. Yanty mmg suka beli online je. Sbb yanty kt taiping. Kalu dok KL mmg serbu butik terus hehe. 
Tudung-tudung dr radiusite memang best. FYI tudung kt sini mmg macam pisang panas, laju je dh sold out. Kalu berkenan tu mmg kena standby siap siap hehe. Design best, colour best, cutting n jahitan sangat best. Tiap kali pakai mmg selesa. I like. Memang tudung ni untuk tutup aurat. tapi apa salah nye kalu nk stylish long tudung tu tutup dada n tak nampak aurat. :)

I'm a happy customer :)

Model Lynda Roslan, comel kan.
Photo & makeup by annaseaskey 

Come and grab one ladies only at